N-4 —

Designed an e-bike specifically tailored for campus and city patrollers

The N-4 e-bike was built with intention to support and tackle all the daily tasks that law enforcements handle while relieving some pain points they have when riding out-of-box bikes.

N-4 received the Faculty Merit Award, Best Project at Georgia Institute of Technology College of Design Launchpad Spring 2022 showcase.


Research, Industrial Design, Branding, Graphic Design, Photography


Clarissa Edeline Yu, Elizaveta Egorova


3 months


Adobe CC, Figma, Fusion 360, Oculus, VRED, Keyshot, 3D printing, laser cutter, Silhouette, vinyl wrapping

overview of the n-4

The N-4 e-bike is more than just a transportation, it is an extension of the officers

Bike patrol officers riding out-of-box bikes do not have vital features that support them. The N-4 provides integrated lights, high velocity human factor friendly dials, non-slip support holds, shoulder padding, replaceable battery, battery indicator, and a dedicated location for their gear.

Features of the n-4

Implemented high velocity human factor conforming dials for different light settings and pedal assist

Law enforcements operate under a mission critical domain where equipment are simple interactions and need to work. The left dials have 3 settings for lights: off, on, siren. The right dials have 3 settings for pedal assist: low, medium, high. Icons are used instead of words to opt for faster recognition.

Easy bag attachment that puts security first

Officers are unable to keep an eye on their bag gears when placed on a rear rack, which can fall off without the officer's knowledge or be kicked when they mount and dismount the bike. By moving it to a front rack system, not only does it allow officers keep track of their gear, but they are also able to access it quicker.

Swappable battery at charging stations, preventing dead weight anxiety

To target battery limitations, we build a charging station system that allows officers to swap batteries at common rest stops during their patrols.

Better holds and supports when officers are going up stairs and using their bike as a barrier

During their training, officers are taught to perform specific techniques and form for different scenarios.

Color variety to match different uniforms to carry the extension theme

Officers from different headquarters have different uniforms, which should reflect into their patrol bike. Every touchpoint on the bike is highlighted with the accent color.

my role

I tackled the research and branding of N-4 and was responsible for the build process and detailing

We conducted interviews with various roles and positions to determine how the teams are integrated with each other. We also looked into patrol videos and high velocity human factors to see how it affects the design of the bike. From there, we ideated through sketches and later testing our CAD in VR before building the full-scale model.


Bike patrol units excel at approaching in a non-enforcer manner and maneuvering in tight spaces where a patrol car has a disadvantage in

The bike patrol unit is a lower risk and more personal way for law enforcers to approach citizens in comparison to other divisions (motor unit, patrol unit, and air operations). They are trained in patrolling shorter distances typically writing tickets and aid people who aren't in the best mental state.

problem space

Current police bikes are not fitted for their rigorous routine

Police bikes are treated more as an extension of themselves rather than just a transportation option. During training and patrols, there are specific maneuvers that must be performed with their bike: 3 by 3 cone test, slow ride speeds, carries, and throws. There are also times when their bikes are used as a barricade or shield.

Police officers also carry roughly 20-30lbs of gears. Adding the 15lbs they carry on the bike, bike patrollers are riding with 30-45lbs of gear on a daily basis, regardless of temperature and weather.

research insights

How might we design an e-bike that highlights delights while limiting pain points and tradeoffs

It is all about striking a balance. The bike needs to be distinguishable yet stealthy, approachable yet authoritative, and small yet impactful.

sketch developments

Conveying approachability and authority through form exploration and component placement

The early sketches delved deeper in frame design, which is where we settled with a mid-tube instead of a top-tube for a continuous shape illustrating speed. The rounded chamfer and smooth transition helped convey friendliness while the sharp angles helped convey strength.

The battery and police bag needed to be easily accessible while not deterring from the original flow Any touchpoints were also highlighted with the access color to prevent distraction and follow the key points of high velocity human factors.

cad development

Developing a stronger and sturdier frame while testing the proportions in VR

The initial proportions were too thin and uncomfortable to ride when we tested it in VRED. Therefore we thickened up the frame without adding too much weight and adjusted the angles for a more comfortable ride.

build process

Validating our design by building a full-scale model

Our early prototypes consisted of small scale 3D prints and a quick 1:1 scale cardboard model. After confirming the proportions, we constructed the bike out of 3D prints and off-the-shelf parts.

The 3D prints of our main bike frame and other accessories including the front bike rack frame and battery.

After spackling and painting the bike frame, we tested the fit, featuring our very long seat post, with the rest of the bike parts together. Don't worry, this will get fixed later with a prolonged session of sawing through metal.

For the final touch, we vinyled the bike with a carbon fiber texture for a looks-like material finish. The lettering was cut with a Silhouette Cameo and carefully placed on top.

final prototype

Introducing the N-4 police e-bike, specifically tailored for bike patrol officers

High velocity human factor conforming dials to enable simple switching between pedal assist and lights

Easily swappable batteries at battery charging stations

Light padding and grips for standard holds police officers do during training

Additional benefits include an easily accessible front bag rack and all high-touch points are indicated with the accent color that matches the officer's uniform.


I want to ride it, just once.

This project really challenged every skill I learned during these past few years. With some good planning and hard work, we were able to finish it and showcase it at Launchpad Spring 2022. We also won the Faculty Merit Award for Best Project, so there were some extra celebrations with the team and professor.

Overall, I enjoyed all the challenges and problems we overcame and can't wait to see it displayed in the College of Design building!